Community Service Awards

The Community Service Awards recognizes members with extraordinary commitment to community service. It has three levels:

  • CSA Community (50 hours)
  • CSA Service (200 hours)
  • CSA Achievement (500 hours)

Hours for the CSA are cumulative and build throughout a student’s FBLA career.

Award winners at all levels will be recognized at the State Leadership Conference. The Community and Service award winners will receive an online certificate of recognition, to be printed when an entry is submitted by the adviser.


  • State Deadline for all levels: March 1
  • National deadline for Community and Service levels: March 1
  • National deadline for Achievement level: April 30

How to submit: Members should log their hours at the adviser’s discretion. Once an award level is reached, the adviser should submit documentation via the national website.

Note: Students may continue logging hours after the submission deadline, but the award levels reached may not be submitted until August 1 of the next school year once submission closes for the current school year.