Outstanding Chapter

The Outstanding Chapter program provides the framework for chapters to build a successful year of programs including membership/chapter management, community/school service, and and education/progress. FBLA chapters must complete a total of 20 activities over the course of the year. Complete and submit these online activities, uploading all required documentation. When all documentation is complete and the activities are completed, submit the project online.

Chapter members should save their work in the cloud or on a flash drive, then provide all documentation to the adviser who will submit to nationals. For help, contact State Chairperson Blake Reynolds or State Adviser Ryan Paul.

Preview of Activities

Complete eight (8) of the section activities. All chapters must complete the first five (5) activities

  • Activity 1 — Required: Recruit five new paid members. (Complete the interactive membership madness form.)
  • Activity 2 — Required: Prepare a Program of Work for your chapter. (Upload your chapter’s Program of Work.)
  • Activity 3 — Required: Conduct at least four chapter meetings. (Upload a copy of the agenda and minutes from each of the four meetings.)
  • Activity 4 — Required: Maintain or increase national membership. (Complete interactive form and upload the current year’s member listing.)
    OR: Sign up all students in any business class—100% class participation. (Complete interactive form and upload a copy of the class roster.)
  • Activity 5 — Required: Document at least 25 community service hours of activities. (Complete the interactive community service tally form.)
  • Activity 6: Submit at least one member’s nomination for the Leader Award, or higher, of the FBLA Business Achievement Awards Program. (Attach a list of nominees.)
  • Activity 7: Recruit a school official/administrator to participate in a chapter activity. (Upload a copy of an invitation letter prior to event and a thank you letter following event.)
  • Activity 8: Submit a press release and at least one scanned or digital photo to an FBLA national/state publication. Press release does not have to be published to receive credit. (Attach a copy of the press release and scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 9: Submit a contribution to the National Scholarship Fund by April 1. (Complete the interactive scholarship form.)
  • Activity 10: Conduct a “Reach Out and Read” Campaign by collecting used and new children’s books for an area hospital and have at least five members volunteer to read to elementary students. (Complete the interactive project report form and include at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 11: Sponsor a “Color the Earth Green Day” where FBLA members wear green and prepare posters with “green tips” to display in the school and/or the community. (Upload a copy of a poster and a scanned or digital group photo of FBLA members wearing green).

Complete four (4) of the activities listed below. The first one (1) is required.

  • Activity 12 — Required: Have officers present the FBLA-FBLA Emblem Ceremony at a local chapter meeting or event. (Upload an agenda from the meeting or a program from the event, copy of a press release, and at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 13: Charter/reactivate at least one new FBLA, FBLA-Middle Level, or PBL chapter by March 1. (Upload a copy of the program from the induction ceremony and a copy of at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 14: Conduct a chapter community service project. (Complete the interactive Chapter Activity Report form and upload a copy of a press release, and at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 15: Conduct a project to either education, promote, or raise money for the March of Dimes. (Complete the interactive Mission LIFT form and at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 16: Plan a ceremony to install your new officers and/or induct your new members into FBLA. (Upload a copy of the program from the ceremony.)
  • Activity 17: Have your local chapter officers prepare a presentation highlighting the “Benefits of FBLA” to present to students in business classes. (Upload a brief outline of the presentation.)
  • Activity 18: Plan a project to benefit your school. (Complete the Project Activity Report form, a copy of a press release, and at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 19: Sponsor a school-wide toy and game recycle project. Donate old toys and games to a homeless shelter or to younger children who can use them. (Complete the interactive project activity report form and upload a press release and at least one scanned or digital photo.)

FBLA chapters must complete eight (8) activities from this section. The first three (3) are required.

  • Activity 20 — Required: Conduct a planning session for newly-elected local chapter officers. (Upload a copy of the schedule and at least two scanned photos of officers involved in the training.)
  • Activity 21 — Required: Prepare a chapter budget (Complete the interactive FBLA-PBL Chapter Budget form.)
  • Activity 22 — Required: Sponsor a Job Shadow Day for FBLA members when members shadow a person in a career that they are interested in or a “Work World Success Day” where professionals in various fields are invited to present workshops to chapter members or to the student body. (Upload a copy of a press release and at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 23: Prepare a point system for your chapter members. (Upload a copy of this point system.)
  • Activity 24: Plan and conduct a free enterprise project for American Enterprise Day—November 15. (Complete the interactive Project Planning and Project Evaluation Form and upload a press release and at least one scanned or digital photo from the project.)
  • Activity 25: Organize a tour of a business for chapter members who have paid dues by October 20. (Upload a one-page summary of the tour, a list of participating members, a press release, and at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 26: Have chapter representation at one of the National Fall Leadership Conferences (NFLC.) (Upload a copy of a press release and at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 27: Participate in at least one fund-raiser for your local chapter. (Upload a brief paragraph about the fund-raising activity and the amount raised.)
  • Activity 28: With some of your chapter officers, contact local, county, state, or federal legislators and share the benefits of FBLA membership. (Upload a copy of the letter.)
  • Activity 29: Plan and conduct activities for FBLA-PBL Week/National Career and Technical Education Week. (Upload 100-word summary of the activities that your chapter conducted and at least one scanned or digital photo.)
  • Activity 30: Submit a list of chapter competitors (include names of students, events entered, and events won) at the regional/district conference or from the last year’s state or national conference.
  • Activity 31: Prepare a local chapter Web site. (Enter the link to the Web site in the interactive form.)